Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day 2 & 3

Ah! I didn't get the time to blog yesterday. Well, these last two days were very similar anyway so it doesn't really matter I guess. I did 60 minutes of cardio both days! I am always really proud of myself when I finish and I see those numbers on the machine. I feel so good afterwards too, well I feel good the rest of the day! I have much more energy this week, and I am assuming it has something to do with the whole eating healthier and exercise thing I'm doing *wink wink* haha.

One problem I did have though was feeling very hungry about an hour after eating. I do shave a little snack in between meals, and I drink lots of water. But I still feel super hungry. One thing I found very helpful was eating raw, peeled carrots. I ate them very slowly. They are crunchy so it's not like you can gulp them down anyway. My point is, carrots have been helping me out.

The first week always seems the longest! I'm just taking a day at a time. Friday is my weigh in day! So I'm half way through my first week. I hope it goes great for all of us improving our lives!

Good luck!


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