Saturday, January 15, 2011

Day 12

Day 12 is Week 2 as well! 
Here's the weekly vlog!!

Okay so for those who don't like videos, haha, here's the recap:
I lost 4 pounds!!! =] I am down from 341 pounds to 328.5 pounds! I am more than happy with the result. As long as I am losing the pounds I am happy. That is now 12.5 pounds I've lost in the fist 12 days of my new life. That's almost a pound a day! 
I REALLY would like to thank all of you have been supporting me and giving me words of advise you have sent me! I really do appreciate it.
Thanks again and good luck to you all!


  1. that is great!!! Congrats. keep up the good work and we will get there.

  2. 4 lbs is awesome after such a big loss the week before! Keep it up :)

  3. Aww Congrats I lost 12 my first week as well as 6 inches on my waist, But Im stuck there this week, So I guess You and I are about even! LOl Heres to 5 lbs for week 3 =D

  4. Thanks everyone! You keep me motivated!!!

