Friday, January 7, 2011

Day 5

Day 5 also means end of Week 1!

Here's the vlog(video blog I guess?) I said I would do at the end of each week when I weighed in:

And if you were too lazy to watch the video( I don't blame you) or had technical difficulties, here is the thing.

Yes, I lost 8.5 pounds!!! I said my goal for the month of January was to lose 20 pounds, now I am only 11.5 pounds away from my monthly goal. I know 20 pounds is a lot for one month, but I know that every first week of a diet I do I lose a lot. After that first week I usually lose like 3-5 pounds a week. So my goals for the next months will be slightly lower.

I am happy losing any weight at all! And I actually enjoyed myself this first week, of course I had temptations, but those things get easier. Right? RIGHT? Haha just kidding, I know it's something that will be there, but that's why I called it a challenge!

Thank you for reading/watching and I wish the very best to all of you!



  1. /cheer!! YAY! Awesome lose! Good Job Angel :)
    The temptations WILL get easier, but they will also always be there, we just have to make sure we have ways of coping with them.. I even stole your carrot idea lol. My biggest binge food was chips, so the crunching of the carrots definitely helps me get through the temptation of wanting to go buy some chips and stuff my face lol
    I look forward to your next vlog :)

  2. Thank you! I'm glad the carrots worked for you.

    Best wishes,


  3. WOW that is great! I agree with Ayla, my weakness has always been chips and popcorn (crunchy salty stuff). Had a sandwich for lunch last week and was really tempted to get some chips from the vending machine. Instead, I got my carrots out of the fridge and still had my crunch with my sandwich. I was so proud for not giving in to my craving. Thanks for the idea!
